Sunday, June 29, 2008

I got married again

I got married again. I don't foresee myself becoming a "Ross Geller," this was to the same woman, with no divorce in between. I guess you could say it was a renewing of our vows. Sonia would say that it was finally the church wedding she always dreamed of. I have to admit it was a wonderful wedding and the reception was awesome.

The wedding was in Torreon Mexico. It was in a beautiful catholic church. The ceremony was on June 21st, the solstice. That holds sweet catholic/pagan irony right in it's juicy hands. :)

Here's the pics so far. Sonia is not back until July 27 and then i will have more. Hopefully she and some of our friends will have uploaded some of the pics to photobucket.

OK, so I got one 8 mile run in...