Well as you can see this is a sonogram, and I am so happy to say that Sonia is pregnant. The little peanut is about 6 weeks by looking at it. I know it's early, but everything is going well. I am so blessed. I cannot believe that God thinks I am ready, but he does. I guess if everyone else in the world can do it, we can. I think though, all the learning and growth that I've done in the past six years have led up to this point.
I'm kinda having a good day. I was doing some reading. This months Muscle&Fitness had an article on Crossfit and at the website are some videos. I was looking for one on Kipping. So i see some videos on correcting running form. Apparently CrossFit promotes pose running. I did a drill and tried it out.
I had the kind of running day that makes me know God himself. It was the runner's high. I ran so well. My average speed was 8:45 at my normal heartrate. Running was almost effortless. my legs felt the burn when i was done, but my lungs were ready to go. The way i felt today, i feel like I could hit 22 minutes for my next 5K. it was insane. this was a breakthrough.